Counseling Services

As a child, adults often said to you: “Wow, you’re mature for your age!”

Perhaps they were right and you were in fact more responsible or aware than your peers, and maybe it was because you had to be. Growing up, you found yourself walking on eggshells, desperate to keep the peace. You questioned whether you were “good enough” or you equated being “good” with being worthy of love. You tried to stay as small, quiet, and compliant as possible so as not to rock the boat. Perhaps you found yourself parenting your parent, navigating their difficult emotions but you weren’t allowed to have any of your own.

As an adult, you find yourself repeating these behaviors in your relationships. You struggle to set boundaries, saying “yes” when you really want to say “no”. You regret being a people-pleaser who puts everyone else’s needs ahead of your own. You deny or bottle your emotions because you feel like you have to or because you don’t know what to do with them.  You often feel guilty, shameful, difficult, or ungrateful even when you’ve done nothing wrong. You can’t say why, but you second guess yourself and doubt your intuition. You have an underlying sense of anxiety or depression that’s rooted in feeling like your life is just not quite “right”. You feel a pervasive sense of loneliness, insignificance, and an overarching feeling of being unknown and unseen.

 If any of these codependent experiences describes yours, I see you.

My passion is to work with adults like you because I know what this hard work feels like. I can confidently say that it gets better with self-compassion, determination, and support. You already have the answers within you. We can safely bring them out together. When you are ready, you can reach out to me by phone or email.

**In addition to traditional talk therapy, I also offer neurofeedback (brain training) that can be used in conjunction with counseling or as a stand-alone service.