Neurofeedback Services

  • Due to neuroplasticity, our brains have the ability to change and adapt based on our experiences. A combination of genetics and repeated experiences create neural pathways that can either be adaptive or maladaptive. Neurofeedback is a form of biofeedback that allows the brain to recognize these changes in itself and self-correct maladaptive pathways in a safe and non-invasive way. For example, have you noticed becoming more prone to worry the more you entertain anxious thoughts? This is an example of a maladaptive neural pathway that has been created due to your genetics or experiences and is something that can be improved through neurofeedback.

  • Non-linear neurofeedback, such as NeurOptimal®, is not used to diagnose or treat disorders as linear neurofeedback does. Rather it is a form of brain training that provides ever-changing information to the Central Nervous System in real time (256 times per second) that addresses overall brain health. Unlike with linear neurofeedback, there is no need for expensive brain mapping and the brain is not pushed in any direction or told what it needs to do by the practitioner. Instead, NeurOptimal® taps into what the brain is already designed to do- detect differences and alleviate its own chaos and discomfort in order to operate at peak performance.

  • Neurofeedback addresses issues including but not limited to:

    -Inattention, hyper arousal, and inability to complete tasks

    -Chronic worry and fearfulness

    -Anxiety, panic, hyper vigilance

    -Obsessive or compulsive thoughts and behavior

    -Nightmares and sleep disorders


    -Headaches and migraines

    -Bodily reactions rooted in trauma

    -Dysregulated anger

    -Cravings and addictions

  • During our sessions, you sit back and relax while two small sensors are painlessly applied to your scalp and ear clips to your ears. These sensors allow NeurOptimal® to read the electrical activity of your brain. You will listen to music and watch a visual display while experiencing pauses in input that indicate NeurOptimal® is at work. When your brain resorts to a maladaptive neural pathway, the music and visuals will glitch. Once your brain finds a more adaptive pathway, the music and visuals will return in full force. The process is similar to when you zone out while with a friend and they snap you back into the present moment by saying your name. This work happens at a level below consciousness, so no effort is required from you during sessions. Because this work involves your brain rather than your mind, you cannot think your way into correcting your electrical activity- meaning you can’t mess up the process by “doing it wrong”. You will simply relax and enjoy the 33.5 minute session while your brain reorganizes itself.

  • All brains are different, so this can be a difficult question to answer. Many people find training once or twice a week is sufficient, but depending on your situation you may want to train as often as 3-4 times per week or as little as once a month. If your treatment goal is to feel better quickly, you are likely to see improvement after 10-12 sessions. If you are looking for lasting changes, 20+ sessions is a better expectation. Neurofeedback has successful outcomes as stand-alone training and also in conjunction with talk therapy.